The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Written by: Amy Cunningham, Project Manager

It’s June, and like many of you, I couldn’t be more excited for the fresh beginning that a new season brings. However, before we run to the beach or host a neighborhood BBQ,  I want to take some time to reflect on May. Why? Well, since 1949, the month of May has been observed as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States, designed to raise awareness and initiate conversations surrounding mental health. While the topic of mental health is undoubtedly important, you may be questioning why a project manager at a marketing agency feels not only compelled, but obligated to talk about it. Two words: Social Media.

The Impact

For more than a decade, social media has skyrocketed in popularity, dominating hours of its users’ time.  While these hours of scrolling , liking, commenting, immersing and engaging in content has unleashed countless positive effects, the lingering toll social media has and continues to have on our mental health is something worth talking about.  According to a 2016 study, published by Wiley Periodicals in the Depression and Anxiety Publication, there is a significant association between social media use with increased depression. This link can be seen as both alarming and controversial, but my goal is to relieve some of your possible fear and provide you with tools to navigate this complicated relationship.

What’s the Solution?

Am I saying social media is bad? Definitely not! Look at Ten Four Social, a successful agency who grew its business by managing social media accounts for clients. Our team could go on for hours about the value of social media and the positive impact it has on individuals, businesses and so much more, however we do have a significant bias as it is our career. We would be doing a disservice if we tried to hide the dark side of social media. Unfortunately, we cannot eliminate all the factors that contribute to the negative effects social media has on mental health, but we can provide tips on how to navigate these platforms while protecting your overall well-being. Ultimately we want you to find a healthy relationship with social media – there’s plenty of good to be found. 

5 Tips on Protecting your Mental Health while Using Social Media

  • Take Social Media Breaks

Boundaries are good! Whether you do a full-week cleanse from social media or set time limits on your phone for social media apps, setting time parameters around your usage can be very valuable. Not only are social media breaks beneficial for your mental health, it can be the perfect opportunity to refresh your creativity and find new sources of inspiration!

  • Block and Mute Accounts

Take back the control! If an account is negatively impacting your mental health, don’t hesitate to block, mute or unfollow it. It’s not mean to distance yourself from accounts that don’t make social media a positive, fun or safe space for you.

How To Mute Accounts: Go to Instagram -> Go to profile of account you want to mute -> Click ‘Following’ button -> Mute -> Switch toggle for Posts, Stories or both

How to Block Accounts: Go to Instagram -> Settings -> Privacy -> Blocked account or Muted Accounts -> + (top right corner) OR Go to profile of account you want to block -> Tap the 3 dots on top right corner -> Block

  • Filter and Hide Offensive Words & Phrases

Combat negativity proactively! Instagram allows its users to filter and hide offensive words and phrases with one easy switch of a toggle. For a more personalized experience, you can create a custom list of words, phrases and emojis that you want hidden from your comments and reviews.

How to Filter and Hide Offensive Words & Phrases: Go to Instagram -> Settings -> Privacy -> Hidden Words -> Switch your preferred toggles

How to Create a Custom List of Words, Phrases and Emojis to Hide: Go to Instagram -> Settings -> Privacy -> Hidden Words -> Manage list -> Add multiple words, phrases, and emojis that can be updated at any time.

  • Be Mindful of Aimless Scrolling

Less is more! We have all been culprits of mindlessly scrolling on social media but it’s important to remain conscious of the time and energy you’re spending online. Next time you catch yourself aimlessly scrolling on Instagram, TikTok or Twitter, ask yourself what value is the content you’re consuming contributing to your well-being or if you’re leading yourself down a potentially dark road. 

  • Be the Change You Want to See

Lead by example! Encourage yourself to utilize social media for good. Post encouraging and inspiring content, leave a positive review on your favorite account and build an online community of supportive followers!

Understanding the link between social media use and mental health is half of the battle! Social media is continually growing and immersing itself into more and more aspects of our daily life, therefore avoiding it is not the answer.  Rather, we need to constantly be educating ourselves on ways to navigate social media while protecting our emotional and mental well-being. Additionally, we need to encourage social media platforms to prioritize its users’ mental health and continue to create and improve upon features that help limit the negative effects social media has proven to cause. 

Individuals dealing with mental illness suffer 365 days a year and it’s important to continue these crucial conversations outside the short window of May. I encourage you to share this information with your family, friends and followers and educate others on how we can enjoy all the amazing things social media has to offer, but not at the expense of our mental health.


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