3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Professional Photography

Written by: Noah Hilton, Creative Development

In an age where the internet and a half dozen social media platforms are at our fingertips, it’s imperative that your business not only sticks out from the crowd, but has an immediate impact on a viewer. Implementing professional photography within your business will promote engagement, demonstrate professionalism and increase revenue.

Build Trust, Increase Engagement

Trust is a critical factor in a customer's choice to begin a relationship with your business. A customer is far more likely to engage with your business if they trust you and your brand. Utilizing professional photography grants viewers the ability to see, learn about and understand your brand in a way that could otherwise only be achieved through a thousand word article. After all, that’s how much each picture is worth, no? A more thorough understanding of your business will be the foundation on which trust will be built. Not only will the implementation of professional photography create trust, it will also increase engagement. Viewers are 80% more likely to engage with social media content if it’s paired with an image and 60% more likely to consider or contact a business whose images show up in search results. Moral of the story: the more professional photos you have for your customers to interact with, the more engagement your business will receive, the more revenue you’ll see.

Demonstrate Professionalism & Grab Attention

You want your customers to know that your business produces high-quality and professional work. Utilizing professional photography for your own business will help demonstrate your commitment to this when a potential customer views your website, social media or portfolio. How could you expect a viewer to believe you would produce high-quality work if you have low quality promotional material? Having an air of professionalism around your business is a tremendous start when it comes to targeting new audiences to interact with your business. However, you want your viewers to remember your business and continue coming back for more. People remember only 10% of information three days after reading it. Adding a professional photograph can improve recollection by 65%. Improved recollection leads to returning viewers and increased word-of-mouth advertising. This seems like a win-win-win when you throw elevated professionalism back into the mix.

Age of Social Media

When it comes to social media platform users, the breakdown is as follows: 

That’s over 4 billion users across only three platforms. Gone are the days of newspaper advertisements and mailing flyers. If you want to stay up to date with the latest trends and marketing styles, you’re going to need to implement social media into your business’s advertising strategies. What better way to showcase your business on social media than with, you guessed it, professional photography. Facebook posts that include photos get around 2.3 times more engagement than those that don’t. A high-quality photo on Instagram could be the difference between a user interaction or scrolling past without a second thought. Social media also lends itself to be a recruiting tool for your business. Companies that have a strong employer brand reduce hiring costs by 43%. Save money, promote user interaction, and take professional photos.

Are you all-in on the need for professional photography within your business? If not, take a look through our website and then come back to keep reading. Oh you are now? Great! View our creative studio page to learn more about how our team can help implement professional photography within your business today.


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